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Bulletin Board @ the Anthill Directory

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Bulletin Board of Site Changes - entries ordered oldest to newest

  • You may have noticed we now offer three veiwing choices for our home page - text only | regular version | enriched version - they are here to please you preference, quick loading (text only) to strong detail (enriched). Also we offer the use of the site with frames or without frames. We have also changed our recomended screen resolution and text size, it is now the following: 1024 X 768 resolution (instead of 800 X 600); On Internet Explorer (IE) "medium" text size (instead of "smaller") Get Internet Explorer 5 here - and - get great FREE accessories for it here! (posted April 24, 2000)
  • Our free e-mail service is up and running. Try if for yourself here. (posted April 24, 2000)
  • Relevant catagories and top rated sited are now denoted with the Relevant star. (posted April 24, 2000)
  • The enriched version option of our site is going under renovation. It may not be online for a while, or possibly not return - sorry (posted April 24, 2000)
  • The full directory area of our site is again online, it went through a series of needed renovations. Thanks for your patience. (posted April 24, 2000)
  • We have now added a CAD and AutoCAD section to our directory. CAD General | AutoCAD Links (posted April 24, 2000)
  • Pictures of real anthills are now avaliable here: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ] (posted April 24, 2000)
  • We have changed our recomended screen resolution and text size, it is avaliable here. (posted April 24, 2000)
  • The AltaVista Media Search is now ready. Try it! (posted April 24, 2000)
  • Any feedback or site submission e-mail should now be sent to (posted April 28, 2000)
  • The internet articles listing is now complete! Try it! (posted April 28, 2000)
  • The feedback form is now complete. It sends mail to (posted April 28, 2000)
  • There are now two (one) statistic pages avalible for the home page (posted April 28, 2000; updated May 28, 2000)
  • The enriched version option of our site is still going under renovation. However, the enriched features have not yet been added. (posted April 30, 2000)
  • The simplified text version of our home page update is now finished. (posted April 30, 2000)
  • We have now added an AD Network to our website. This is a great traffic building device for all webmasters. Try it! (posted April 30, 2000)
  • The Anthill's slogan has changed. "Your Guide to the Exciting Web!™" replaces the old slogan of "The One Stop For All Your Music Needs!" We have changed to accompany the increasing content matter held on this site. Please note that the new slogan is an unregistered trademark of the Anthill. If you or your company feels it infringes upon your trademark please see our legal page and e-mail us. (posted April 30, 2000)
  • The update of the Open Directory is now complete - thanks for bearing with us! (posted April 31, 2000)
  • This site is gowing through major changes in structure. If you should find dead links please bear with us - they will be fixed soon. Also if the feel of this site seems somewhat inconsistent, it means that part has not yey gone through renovation. (posted May 5, 2000)
  • We have switched servers for our Open Directory. Also, it has undergone another face lift. (posted May 6, 2000)
  • The articles section of our site has been expanded dramaticaly. (posted May 28, 2000)
  • There is now a random link button on the home page. (posted June 26, 2000)
  • Major news headlines are now displayed on the home page of this site. (posted June 26, 2000)
  • The Anthill is going through another series of major renovations and facelifts. Upon completion, much new content and information will be avalible, along with a more attractive design. - please bear with us as we work to serve you better. (posted July 27, 2000)

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Updated: July 27, 2000 - Feedback or request to reproduce content: - copyright © 1999-2000 Anthill Internet Reasources - All Rights Reserved

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